Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
maine kabhi nahi kiya ab se karunga
Posted 19 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
yeh raat hazaar mehinon se behter hai
Posted 19 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
¥ÍÑ said:

but i cant na... night main itna late... atailay jana city for namaz... muchtil hay

jamaat kitnay logon ki hoti hay?
i mean kam say kam? 3?

Nahin Chaluth...hamali family main chay to toi nahin jatien..

Posted 19 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Ashii said:

thnx SD
me bhi yehi kehne lagi thi k bajamaat namaz parhna to roz k liye hota hai

sauda na karo,, ibadat karo
jab zyada sawab mile bass tab Allah ko yaad kar lo

akhirat main jawab unhi ko dena hai
Posted 19 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
This night is special

Posted 19 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
time pass ho raha hai yahan
Posted 19 Oct 2006

Topic: Zalimo....!

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
see you in 2007
Posted 19 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 19 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Q&A with riz khan
Posted 18 Oct 2006

Topic: 4 min

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Doctor Sam said:

4 min... main haal-e-dil kese bataon tumhain zalim logo..

4 sec
Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
chal rein dey peeche hi par gayee hain is song key
Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Qadr: Night of Power, Night of Destiny or Night of Majesty

On the Night of Power pray to God with all your heart and He will definitely answer all your prayers. The Quran says : "Surely We revealed it (the Holy Quran) on the grand night. And what will make you comprehend what the grand night. The grand night is better than a thousand months. The angels and Gibreel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair, Peace! It is till the break of the morning." (97:1-5)

The Night of Power is full of blessings because the Eminent Quran descended in it. The Quran is peace by itself. It distinguishes between the good and evil and shows the path of eternal Peace and Bliss to all Mankind forever. This being so, the Night in which this Divine Book was sent down is worthy of great esteem. During this night, as explained in the verse quoted above, the Angels and the Heavenly spirit (Hazrat Gibreel Alai-his-Salam) descend. Their nearness to earth gives a spiritual luster to the hearts and souls of the believers. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and the 12 Imams (A.S.) passed this night in prayer and worship of God.

Those who pass his night in Prayer, experience an unimaginable bliss, a deep feeling of great pleasure as a result of immense heavenly blessings in this night.

Recite the Holy Quran, seek Allah's forgiveness and pray for the good of this world as well as the hereafter.

The A'maal of Shabe Qadr (19th, 21st & 23rd of Ramadan)

Shab-e-Qadr is the night, which is the best night among the nights of the whole year. The "A'maal" (religious performances) of this night are better than the A'maal of 1000 nights. In this night the divine Annual Decree is passed. The Angels and Roohul Ameen (A highly dignified Angel) descend on this earth, in that night. These call on the Imam of the time, and what is ordained (by Allah) for everybody is presented before the Imam.

The A'maal of Shab-e-Qadr are of two kinds. Some are common to all three nights others are particular for one of those three nights. The common A'maals are: -

01. To take a bath. Allama Majlisi says, "It is better to take a bath before sunset so that the night prayers may be performed after bath".

02. To offer two Raqats of Namaz, in every Raqat offer Surat-al-Hamd, and Surat-al-Tauhid/ Sure Ikhlaas (Kulhowallah) seven times, and after finishing the prayer 70 times recite: "Astaghfirullaaha Wa atoobu ilayh" i.e., "I seek forgiveness of Allah and I turn (repentant) to Him".

03. The Holy Quran should be opened and placed in front, then one should recite, "Alaahumma inni asaloka be kitaabekal munzale Wa maa feeh, wa feehismokal akbaro wa asmaakal husnaa, wa maa yokhaafo Wa yurjaa an taj-alani min otaqaaeka minan-Naar", i.e., "O Allah treat me as one of those who are free from Hell, in the name of this Holy Book sent by Thee, whatever there be in the Book. Including Ism-e-A'azam and Asmaa-e-Husnaa and the things to be dreaded, the things that may be expected and desired, like blessings of Jannat. Do forgive through the grace of this book". (SALAWAT-After this he may beg from Allah whatever he wants).

04. He should place the Holy Quran on his head and say, "Allaahumma be haqqe haazal Quran we be haqqe man arsaltahoo beh, Wa be haqqe kulle momenin madahtahoo feeh, we be haqqeka alaihim fa-laa ahada a'arafo be haqqeka mink", i.e., "O Allah! I appeal to Thee in the name of this Quran and the Rooh that was sent along with it, and in the name of the Momin (believer) whose praise is contained in this Book and Tine obligation that is on them. No one else recognizes the right and truth more than Thee". (SALAWAT-After this he should repeat 10 times each): -

Then he should invoke to Allah whatever he likes.

05. To recite the Ziarat of Imam Hussain (A.S.). According to Hadis, during Shab-e-Qadr an angel proclaims from the Arsh (Throne) on the Seventh sky, "Allah the Benevolent forgives him, whosoever performs the Ziarat of the grave of Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.)."

06. One should keep himself awake throughout these three nights. The vigil during these nights carries great Sawab (heavenly reward).

07. To offer 100 Raq'ats of Namaz. It has been highly recommended. It is better to recite (after Surat-al-Hamd) 10 times the Surat-al-Tauhid/ Sure Ikhlaas (Kulhowallah).

08. Recite: "Astagferullaah Rabbi Wa atoobo elaihe" 100 times (i.e., "I seek forgiveness of Allah and I turn (repentant) to Him").

09. Recite: "Allaahummal'an Qatalatal Ameeril Momeneen" 100 times (i.e., "O Allah! condemn those who killed Ameerul Moimeneen Ali ibne Abi Talib").

Du'a for the 19th night: -
O One Who was before everything and then brought everything into existence. He will remain while all else will be destroyed. O the One sole and solitary excepting Whom there is none else in the high heavens or low earths or above and below them, or in between them who is worth worshipping. Only Thou art the deity and none else deserves to be worshipped. Thou only deserves the praise which cannot be encompassed but by Thee. Therefore bestow Peace and Blessings on Muhammad (S.A.W.) and Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.) such as no body else has the power to encompass.

10. Recite the following Suras from the Holy Quran:
ANKABUT (the Spider) 29th Sura.
RUM (The Roman Empire) 30th Sura.
DUKHAN (Smoke or Mist) 44th Sura.

11. This du'a is to be recited: -
I have passed the evening as a very humble servant of Thee. I have no control over the gains and losses for my person. I cannot remove any evil from myself. I depose against my conscience. I admit my weakness and inability of managing my affairs. Bestow Tine blessings on Mohammad (S.A.W.) and his Aal (A.S.). Whatever Thou hast given me or promised, fulfill that. Verily! I am Tine humble, weak and destitute servant. O Allah! Let me not forget the blessings that Thou hast bestowed on me, and let me not be forgetful about Tine kindness. Do not deny me Tine acceptance though it may be delayed, may it pertain to sorrow or happiness, and may it be connected with peace and tranquility or hardship and vicissitudes or pertaining to blessings. Thou hearse and accepts invocations in every condition.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) when asked what should one invoke Allah during these nights, said: "Ask for your safety (here and in the hereafter)".

DU'A: -
O Allah! Whatever is decided and ordained by Thee during Lailatul Qadr (night of Destiny) is final and full of wisdom. Whatever changes are affected, in the Night in previous decrees that could not be changed by anybody else. Do let me be one of those whose Hajj is acceptable, whose efforts are rewarded, the efforts of those respected Hajis whose sins have been pardoned and whose errors have been forgiven. Add to my destiny the length of my life, increase my life, increase my livelihood and fulfill my desires. Note: Beg from Allah after this whatever you desire.

Du'a for the 21st night: -
O One Who turns day into night and night into day. O One Who brings out living from dead and dead from living. O One Who gives sustenance to whomsoever and whatsoever he likes. O Allah! O Merciful! O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! The best names are for Thee alone. The best examples are for Thee. The grandeur and choice things are for Thee. I beg of Thee to bless Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his Aal (A.S.). Write down my name, in this night with the fortunate ones. Let my soul be in the company of the martyrs. Let my good acts be reckoned as "Illyeen" (exalted). Let my sins be condoned. Bestow on me that belief by virtue of which Thou may be nearest to my heart, that "Eemaan" which may remove all doubts from my mind. Let me be satisfied with that whatever Thou hast ordained for me. Let me have the virtues of this world and the other one (Aakherat or Hereafter). Save me from the fire of Hell. Let me be attentive to Tine praise and thanks and let me present myself in Tine court. Do bestow the same "taufique" (ability) to me which Thou hast bestowed upon Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his Aal(A.S.).

Du'a for the 23rd night: -
O Lord of Lailatul Qadr! (Night of Destiny!) Who has made it better than 1000 months! O the Lord of the day and the night and the mountains and oceans, the Lord of light and darkness! O the Lord of the earth and the skies! O the Creator! O the Designer! O Kind! O One Who favours! O Allah Who maintains everything! O Allah! O the Kindest! O Allah! O the Creator of new things! O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! The best names are for Thee alone. Thou hast control over all virtues. I ask Thee to send blessings on Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his Aal (A.S.). Write my name, in this Night of Qadr, among the names of the fortunate. Let my soul keep the company of the martyrs. Let my good deeds be reckoned with "Illiyeen" (those exalted). Forgive my sins. Bestow on me such belief that Thou may be nearest to my heart. Give me such understanding that all the doubts may be removed. Let me be contended over that which has been ordained for me: Let me have goodness and virtues in this world and the next. Save me from the glowing fire of Hell. Encourage me towards Tine remembrance with pleasure and to be penitent. Give me all those virtues that Thou hast given to Muhammad (S.A.W.) and Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.).

Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
¥ÍÑ said:

Chaluth aap mod hain...
thud tal lain na stick :P

is section ka nahi
Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
cutefriend said:

ill try my best ke jamaat ke saath parhon namaz

zaroor parna
Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
¥ÍÑ said:

JAMAT tay chath...
yani chilph masjid main ja tal MARD parh sat.tay hain, ham nahin???

aap ke haan womens jaati hain masjid?
Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
new_beau said:

~Fragi~ said:

aaj tt bhai ko humney fone kar k wish kiya tha

he was 2 much happy coz aaj sham ko woh bhabi k saath apni bday mana rahey hain na

Iss dafa bhabhi kay saath....Tou pehlay kahan manaata tha

aapke saath...wohin so jata hai
Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands

Posted 18 Oct 2006

Topic: Tell us !!!!!

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
kash_beauty said:

patlu..dusri post mein likha hai!!
pehli mein kha gay ho naam hamara..jaisay cf chips ko kha jatay hein

Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
momi sucks
Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Pakistan v Sri Lanka, 3rd match, Champions Trophy

Pakistan pull it off as Razzak treads the razor's edge

The Bulletin by Dileep Premachandran in Jaipur

October 17, 2006

48.1 overs Pakistan 255 for 6 ( Yousuf 49, Malik 46*, Razzaq 38*) beat Sri Lanka 253 (Jayasuriya 48, Sangakkara 39, Razzaq 4-50) by four wickets
Scorecard and ball-by-ball details
How they were out

Pakistan's ability to turn crisis into opportunity was in evidence today © Getty Images

Backed into the corner by the late withdrawal of Shoaib Akhtar and Mohammad Asif, Pakistan showed incredible self-belief and no little skill to pull off a splendid four-wicket victory over Sri Lanka in the first high-quality match of this Champions Trophy. Sensational allround performances from Abdul Razzaq and Shoaib Malik inspired them, after Sri Lanka's spin duo had threatened to tilt the game their way. But Razzaq, such a clean striker of the ball when in the mood, just wasn't to be denied, on a night that Pakistan cricket aficionados will cherish for a long time to come.

When Razzaq, who had earlier taken 4 for 50, came to the middle, Pakistan needed 53 more, with just 47 balls remaining. By the time he thumped Dilhara Fernando for a massive six over long-off to finish matters, 11 balls remained. In the excitement created by his booming strokeplay, Shoaib Malik's role was nearly forgotten, but his 59-ball 46 was just as crucial after Pakistan appeared to lose their way in mid-innings.

Imran Farhat had ensured that Pakistan got an ideal start, with a glorious off-drive and an even better one straight down the ground as Sri Lanka were put under pressure from the off. With Mohammad Hafeez also stroking some lovely shots, even the usually impeccable Chaminda Vaas was made to look wayward as Pakistan rattled along at nearly seven an over.

A superb catch from Kumar Sangakkara standing up to Vaas stemmed that initial tide, but Farhat continued to drive and pull with impunity after Mahela Jayawardene dropped him at first slip when he had made just 25. Fernando was not amused and his anguish was exacerbated when Farhat unveiled a superb off-drive after surviving a huge leg-before shout.

Jayawardene then threw the ball to Farveez Maharoof, who had figures of 6 for 14 in his last outing, and he struck with his very first delivery, abetted by a poor shot from Younis Khan. That brought in Mohammad Yousuf, in such imperious form of late, and he was quickly into his stride despite being struck flush on the helmet by Fernando.

Farhat continued to flay some supreme strokes through the covers, getting to 50 from 58 balls, but a reckless charge at Muttiah Muralitharan tilted the balance of the game Sri Lanka's way. That feeling was re-emphasised when the gamble to promote Shahid Afridi failed. Having survived two very good shouts from Muralitharan, his Banzai charge at Sanath Jayasuriya went sky-high but only as far as Upul Tharanga.

The pitch wasn't getting any easier, and having held back the third Power Play, Jayawardene opted for it in the 24th over. He also changed his bowlers round frequently, making it hard for the batsmen to settle, and the five-over stretch produce only 22 runs as the Sri Lankans started to tighten their grip.

Yousuf played some lovely drives and deflected the ball cleverly behind square as he and Shoaib Malik set about whittling down the target. A run-a-ball was needed when the sort of mix-up that he has habitually been part of cost him a richly deserved 50. Lasith Malinga redeemed himself after a misfield, and with Malik having turned his back on a third, Yousuf was stranded.

But the drama still wasn't over. With a thick layer of dew on the outfield, Malik and Kamran Akmal added 40 to set up a final charge. Having played himself in carefully, Malik then illustrated his big-hitting prowess with a huge six over midwicket off Muralitharan, but when Akmal fell trying to pull off a big hit of his own, the pendulum swung back Sri Lanka's way.

Razzaq had made just five, with 39 more needed, when Tillakaratne Dilshan spilled a tough chance at point off Vaas, and Sri Lanka were made to pay the ultimate price. Seven came from a Malinga over, and when Razzaq thumped Vaas down to the sightscreen, the asking-rate was back down to a run-a-ball. From there, it was a formality, with a delicious straight-drive off Malinga that precursor to that thrilling final loft.

Sanath Jayasuriya got Sri Lanka off to a flier with a 35-ball 48 © Getty Images

Sri Lanka themselves had started like a runaway train, with Jayasuriya the locomotive. Two cover-drives set the tone, and after a relatively sedate six overs, he trained his marauder's eye on Rana Naved-ul-Hasan. A superb drive signalled intent, and when Rana overstepped, he adjusted his stroke nonchalantly to send the ball soaring into the stands behind backward square leg. A swivel-pull for four later, Rana was banished to the outfield, never to return. The next over from Rao Iftikhar went for 15, including one superb straight six, and by the time the bowler got his revenge, knocking out leg stump as Jayasuriya aimed over midwicket, he had rattled off 48 from 35 balls.

Umar Gul, who replaced Rana, was unfortunate as Tharanga edged one between Kamran Akmal and first slip, and with Jayasuriya gone, Tharanga took on the mantle with a superb pull and some fine strokes past the off-side cordon.

Jayawardene played himself in unhurriedly, and an emphatic thump over cover for four took him to 6000 runs in one-day cricket. The partnership produced 45 in even time before Tharanga's adventurous streak got the better of him. After taking Razzaq for two successive fours, he attempted a third, and managed only a thick edge behind.

That didn't ease the scoring though, with Sangakkara coming in and playing two glorious square-drives and one disdainful pull for four off a wayward Razzaq. Malik got Jayawardene to a miscued paddle sweep, forcing Sangakkara and Marvan Atapattu to be more cautious against the spinners. But when opportunity presented itself, Sangakkara took full toll, stroking Malik for two fours as the run-rate stayed well over five.

The momentum dropped with his dismissal for 39, casually lofting one to long-off, and when Dilshan chopped one on, Pakistan had the opening they needed. Afridi's changes of pace and turn kept the batsmen largely quiet, and Malik too put the ball on a spot to apply the brakes. Atapattu and Maharoof eventually added 36 before a dazzling piece of fielding from Hafeez, who had just dropped Maharoof off his own bowling, sent back Atapattu.

The tail was then mopped up ruthlessly by Razzaq, who came back with renewed vigour after being carted for 28 in his first three overs. Vaas's late cameo lifted the total past 250, but it wasn't enough against a Pakistan team that once again proved that adversity brings out their combative instincts quite like nothing else.

How they were out

Sri Lanka

Sanath Jayasuriya b Rao 48 (63 for 1)
Heave against the line, leg stump uprooted

Upul Tharanga c Akmal b Razzaq 38 (108 for 2)
Edges behind after a loose flail

Mahela Jayawardene c Farhat b Malik 31 (141 for 3)
Top-edged a paddle sweep to short fine leg

Kumar Sangakkara c Rao b Malik 39 (181 for 4)
Lofted one to long-off, well-caught moving forward

Tillakaratne Dilshan b Afridi 3 (186 for 5)
Chops one on while going for the cut

Marvan Atapattu run out (Hafeez) 36 (225 for 6)
Thought about a run, sent back, caught short by superb underarm throw

Farveez Maharoof b Razzaq 22 (236 for 7)
Clean bowled going for a wild slog

Muttiah Muralitharan lbw Hafeez 0 (239 for 8)
Trapped in front going for the sweep

Lasith Malinga b Razzaq 0 (240 for 9)
Bowled playing a nothing shot

Chaminda Vaas b Razzaq 15 (253 all out)
Bowled trying to hit across the line


Mohammad Hafeez c Sangakkara b Vaas 22 (39 for 1)
Angled away, a thin edge through to the keeper, who was standing up

Younis Khan c Sangakkara b Maharoof 7 (71 for 2)
Hint of away movement, steered straight to the keeper

Imran Farhat c Fernando b Muralitharan 53 (104 for 3)
Charged down the track and miscued one to long-off

Shahid Afridi c Tharanga b Jayasuriya 1 (114 for 4)
Charged down the track and skied one, caught on the run from long-off

Mohammad Yousuf run out (Malinga) 49 (161 for 5)
Sent back after going for a third run from a misfield at square leg

Kamran Akmal c Maharoof b Vaas 20 (201 for 6)
Lofted pull superbly caught on the run at deep midwicket

Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands

keep it up
Posted 18 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Pakistan pull it off as Razzak treads the razor's edge

The Bulletin by Dileep Premachandran in Jaipur

October 17, 2006

48.1 overs Pakistan 255 for 6 ( Yousuf 49, Malik 46*, Razzaq 38*) beat Sri Lanka 253 (Jayasuriya 48, Sangakkara 39, Razzaq 4-50) by four wickets
Scorecard and ball-by-ball details
How they were out

Pakistan's ability to turn crisis into opportunity was in evidence today © Getty Images

Backed into the corner by the late withdrawal of Shoaib Akhtar and Mohammad Asif, Pakistan showed incredible self-belief and no little skill to pull off a splendid four-wicket victory over Sri Lanka in the first high-quality match of this Champions Trophy. Sensational allround performances from Abdul Razzaq and Shoaib Malik inspired them, after Sri Lanka's spin duo had threatened to tilt the game their way. But Razzaq, such a clean striker of the ball when in the mood, just wasn't to be denied, on a night that Pakistan cricket aficionados will cherish for a long time to come.

When Razzaq, who had earlier taken 4 for 50, came to the middle, Pakistan needed 53 more, with just 47 balls remaining. By the time he thumped Dilhara Fernando for a massive six over long-off to finish matters, 11 balls remained. In the excitement created by his booming strokeplay, Shoaib Malik's role was nearly forgotten, but his 59-ball 46 was just as crucial after Pakistan appeared to lose their way in mid-innings.

Imran Farhat had ensured that Pakistan got an ideal start, with a glorious off-drive and an even better one straight down the ground as Sri Lanka were put under pressure from the off. With Mohammad Hafeez also stroking some lovely shots, even the usually impeccable Chaminda Vaas was made to look wayward as Pakistan rattled along at nearly seven an over.

A superb catch from Kumar Sangakkara standing up to Vaas stemmed that initial tide, but Farhat continued to drive and pull with impunity after Mahela Jayawardene dropped him at first slip when he had made just 25. Fernando was not amused and his anguish was exacerbated when Farhat unveiled a superb off-drive after surviving a huge leg-before shout.

Jayawardene then threw the ball to Farveez Maharoof, who had figures of 6 for 14 in his last outing, and he struck with his very first delivery, abetted by a poor shot from Younis Khan. That brought in Mohammad Yousuf, in such imperious form of late, and he was quickly into his stride despite being struck flush on the helmet by Fernando.

Farhat continued to flay some supreme strokes through the covers, getting to 50 from 58 balls, but a reckless charge at Muttiah Muralitharan tilted the balance of the game Sri Lanka's way. That feeling was re-emphasised when the gamble to promote Shahid Afridi failed. Having survived two very good shouts from Muralitharan, his Banzai charge at Sanath Jayasuriya went sky-high but only as far as Upul Tharanga.

The pitch wasn't getting any easier, and having held back the third Power Play, Jayawardene opted for it in the 24th over. He also changed his bowlers round frequently, making it hard for the batsmen to settle, and the five-over stretch produce only 22 runs as the Sri Lankans started to tighten their grip.

Yousuf played some lovely drives and deflected the ball cleverly behind square as he and Shoaib Malik set about whittling down the target. A run-a-ball was needed when the sort of mix-up that he has habitually been part of cost him a richly deserved 50. Lasith Malinga redeemed himself after a misfield, and with Malik having turned his back on a third, Yousuf was stranded.

But the drama still wasn't over. With a thick layer of dew on the outfield, Malik and Kamran Akmal added 40 to set up a final charge. Having played himself in carefully, Malik then illustrated his big-hitting prowess with a huge six over midwicket off Muralitharan, but when Akmal fell trying to pull off a big hit of his own, the pendulum swung back Sri Lanka's way.

Razzaq had made just five, with 39 more needed, when Tillakaratne Dilshan spilled a tough chance at point off Vaas, and Sri Lanka were made to pay the ultimate price. Seven came from a Malinga over, and when Razzaq thumped Vaas down to the sightscreen, the asking-rate was back down to a run-a-ball. From there, it was a formality, with a delicious straight-drive off Malinga that precursor to that thrilling final loft.

Sanath Jayasuriya got Sri Lanka off to a flier with a 35-ball 48 © Getty Images

Sri Lanka themselves had started like a runaway train, with Jayasuriya the locomotive. Two cover-drives set the tone, and after a relatively sedate six overs, he trained his marauder's eye on Rana Naved-ul-Hasan. A superb drive signalled intent, and when Rana overstepped, he adjusted his stroke nonchalantly to send the ball soaring into the stands behind backward square leg. A swivel-pull for four later, Rana was banished to the outfield, never to return. The next over from Rao Iftikhar went for 15, including one superb straight six, and by the time the bowler got his revenge, knocking out leg stump as Jayasuriya aimed over midwicket, he had rattled off 48 from 35 balls.

Umar Gul, who replaced Rana, was unfortunate as Tharanga edged one between Kamran Akmal and first slip, and with Jayasuriya gone, Tharanga took on the mantle with a superb pull and some fine strokes past the off-side cordon.

Jayawardene played himself in unhurriedly, and an emphatic thump over cover for four took him to 6000 runs in one-day cricket. The partnership produced 45 in even time before Tharanga's adventurous streak got the better of him. After taking Razzaq for two successive fours, he attempted a third, and managed only a thick edge behind.

That didn't ease the scoring though, with Sangakkara coming in and playing two glorious square-drives and one disdainful pull for four off a wayward Razzaq. Malik got Jayawardene to a miscued paddle sweep, forcing Sangakkara and Marvan Atapattu to be more cautious against the spinners. But when opportunity presented itself, Sangakkara took full toll, stroking Malik for two fours as the run-rate stayed well over five.

The momentum dropped with his dismissal for 39, casually lofting one to long-off, and when Dilshan chopped one on, Pakistan had the opening they needed. Afridi's changes of pace and turn kept the batsmen largely quiet, and Malik too put the ball on a spot to apply the brakes. Atapattu and Maharoof eventually added 36 before a dazzling piece of fielding from Hafeez, who had just dropped Maharoof off his own bowling, sent back Atapattu.

The tail was then mopped up ruthlessly by Razzaq, who came back with renewed vigour after being carted for 28 in his first three overs. Vaas's late cameo lifted the total past 250, but it wasn't enough against a Pakistan team that once again proved that adversity brings out their combative instincts quite like nothing else.

How they were out

Sri Lanka

Sanath Jayasuriya b Rao 48 (63 for 1)
Heave against the line, leg stump uprooted

Upul Tharanga c Akmal b Razzaq 38 (108 for 2)
Edges behind after a loose flail

Mahela Jayawardene c Farhat b Malik 31 (141 for 3)
Top-edged a paddle sweep to short fine leg

Kumar Sangakkara c Rao b Malik 39 (181 for 4)
Lofted one to long-off, well-caught moving forward

Tillakaratne Dilshan b Afridi 3 (186 for 5)
Chops one on while going for the cut

Marvan Atapattu run out (Hafeez) 36 (225 for 6)
Thought about a run, sent back, caught short by superb underarm throw

Farveez Maharoof b Razzaq 22 (236 for 7)
Clean bowled going for a wild slog

Muttiah Muralitharan lbw Hafeez 0 (239 for 8)
Trapped in front going for the sweep

Lasith Malinga b Razzaq 0 (240 for 9)
Bowled playing a nothing shot

Chaminda Vaas b Razzaq 15 (253 all out)
Bowled trying to hit across the line


Mohammad Hafeez c Sangakkara b Vaas 22 (39 for 1)
Angled away, a thin edge through to the keeper, who was standing up

Younis Khan c Sangakkara b Maharoof 7 (71 for 2)
Hint of away movement, steered straight to the keeper

Imran Farhat c Fernando b Muralitharan 53 (104 for 3)
Charged down the track and miscued one to long-off

Shahid Afridi c Tharanga b Jayasuriya 1 (114 for 4)
Charged down the track and skied one, caught on the run from long-off

Mohammad Yousuf run out (Malinga) 49 (161 for 5)
Sent back after going for a third run from a misfield at square leg

Kamran Akmal c Maharoof b Vaas 20 (201 for 6)
Lofted pull superbly caught on the run at deep midwicket
Posted 17 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
pak wonnnnnnnnn
Posted 17 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
rapunzel said:

mat ro

tum ro lo
Posted 17 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
how romantic TT
Posted 17 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 17 Oct 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 17 Oct 2006

Topic: Tell us !!!!!

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
hh sach bolo yaar
Posted 17 Oct 2006

Topic: FG

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 17 Oct 2006

Topic: Tell us !!!!!

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7963 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
~CHANDNI~ said:

ham    to   abhi &nb sp; new   hay   na
ham kisy   ko janty hay na koi hamy janta hay

Posted 17 Oct 2006